Call for Submissions: Submit your articles for the HAMFEST INDIA 24 Special Edition of "RAW (Radio Amateurs World)" Magazine by 21st October 2024 via email:

Dear HAMs,
We are thrilled to announce that as part of HAMFEST INDIA 24, hosted by OSCAR INDIA in Kolkata on 14th and 15th December 2024, we will be publishing a special edition of "RAW (Radio Amateurs World)" magazine. This edition will highlight the knowledge, experiences, and ideas from our vibrant amateur radio community, making it a memorable part of the event.

We invite all participants to contribute to this special edition by submitting your articles. Whether you have a technical insight, an innovative project, a personal HAM story, or valuable tips to share, your input is highly valued! Articles should not exceed 500 words. Selected submissions will be rewarded with a QSL Card from the team of "RAW (Radio Amateurs World)" as a token of appreciation. This is a wonderful chance to share your experiences and inspire the global amateur radio community.

Let’s come together to make this edition of RAW a true testament to our community's diversity and expertise. By sharing our knowledge and passion, we can foster stronger connections among HAM operators and contribute to the growth of our beloved hobby.

Please adhere to the submission guidelines and ensure your submission is received by the deadline of 21st October 2024. Submit your articles via Email: Stay tuned for further updates regarding the magazine.

Let’s make HAMFEST INDIA 24 an unforgettable event, not just through our interactions in Kolkata, but also through the lasting impact of our collective contributions in "RAW (Radio Amateurs World)".

Thank you for being part of this exciting journey. We eagerly await your submissions.

(Co-founder of AISMIT & OSCAR INDIA)
Note: Submit your articles by 21st October 2024 via email:


"Connect, Learn, and Explore the world of amateur radio at the OSCAR Convention, where technical excellence converges with a sense of community and togetherness."